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​Residential Lot
3,829 meters
US$ 76,580.00

Lot size: 3800 m2

Price: US$ 76,000

Nice lot within prestigues HAcienda Country Club in Cerro Azul. Lot is located at 500 meters from the polo field and clubhouse. 


​Número de habitaciones: 3 + cocina

Tamaño: 250 m2

Impuestos anuales: 2.000

Precio: Disponible bajo petición

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Pacific Island
72 Hectares
US$ 11,000,000

The island forms part of the Pearl Islands and boasts 12 beaches, some of them stretch out for 200 meters. It measures 72 hectares (roughly 160 acres).

There is exuberant tropical vegetation and the beaches are mostly white. The island gently slopes up to a high point which is about 100 meters and offers spectacular views.


Geological analysis shows that a fresh water lens is probably present, however no drilling for water has taken place yet. The topography allows for the construction of micro dams to retain rainwater.


There is no building on the island, however permits to build can be fairly easily acquired with the government.


One of the bays is deep and protected enough to build a jetty or even a small marina.


It is an excellent location for deep sea fishing as well as eco-tourism development. Several projects are already being built on nearby islands and flights and ferries are increasing are increasing their frequencies.


The TV show Survivor was filmed many times in this archipelago, because of its splendour, clear waters, beaches and remoteness and yet only 60 miles from metropolitan Panama City.

The island is fully titled and easily be transferred to a new owner. Foreign owners welcome.

Titled Peninsula
9.7 Hectares
US$ 2,000,000

​Número de habitaciones: 3 + cocina

Tamaño: 250 m2

Impuestos anuales: 2.000

Precio: Disponible bajo petición

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​Número de habitaciones: 3 + cocina

Tamaño: 250 m2

Impuestos anuales: 2.000

Precio: Disponible bajo petición

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​Número de habitaciones: 3 + cocina

Tamaño: 250 m2

Impuestos anuales: 2.000

Precio: Disponible bajo petición

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